Air2E & Hopscotch Air ordering E5 confirms market fit.

Jan 24, 2024

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Air2E and Hopscotch Air have become the latest customers to place orders for ELECTRON aerospace’s groundbreaking zero-emission aircraft, the Electron 5. With these new agreements, ELECTRON’s sales pipeline is now approaching EUR 200 million, reflecting a growing global interest in sustainable regional air travel solutions.

Germany-based Air2E and US-based Hopscotch Air are both pioneers in the regional air mobility sector, and their orders underscore the increasing demand for cleaner, more cost-efficient alternatives in aviation. The commitment from these key players, spanning Europe and the United States, signals the broad international appeal of the Electron 5 among operators aiming to enhance sustainability and reduce operational costs. 

Marc-Henry de Jong, Chief Commercial Officer and co-founder of ELECTRON aerospace, commented: “Securing orders from innovative operators like Air2E and Hopscotch Air validates our work in developing the Electron 5. Their commitment shows that we’ve met the market’s needs and confirms the Electron 5’s strong potential to shape the future of regional air travel.”

The agreements, formalised through Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with payment schedules, affirm the shared commitment to bringing the Electron 5 to market.

Norbert Werle, CEO of Air2E, remarked: “The Electron 5 will allow Air2E to deliver services with zero direct CO2 emissions, supporting our ongoing commitment to sustainable business travel. 

Andrew Schmertz, CEO of Hopscotch Air, added: “The lower operating costs of the Electron 5 will enable us to broaden our customer base, offering more accessible and affordable regional air travel options.”

These latest orders signal a strong endorsement of ELECTRON aerospace’s mission to revolutionise regional air mobility with its environmentally friendly aircraft. As the company works towards certifying its first aircraft, the support from industry leaders like Air2E and Hopscotch Air highlights the momentum behind the shift towards zero-emission aviation.